

联邦直接学生贷款 are loans made available to college students and are to be used for educationally related expenses to supplement personal and family resources, 奖学金, 奖助金, 和勤工助学. 他们可能会得到美国政府的补贴.S. 根据学生的经济需要,政府或可能没有补贴.

所有提交有效的学生 FAFSA 有资格.

补贴贷款和非补贴贷款都由美国政府提供担保.S. 这两种类型都提供六个月的宽限期, 也就是说毕业六个月后才需要付款, 离开学校, 或者降至半日入学率以下.

这两种类型都有相当适度的年限制. 一学年的上限是3美元,本科新生每年500美元, $4,本科生二年级500元, 和5美元,大三和大四本科生每年500美元. 由于新立法H .增加本科生贷款限额.R. 5715 “Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act of 2008” raises the annual unsubsidized Direct Loan amount by an additional $2,000.

如果你是FAFSA确定的独立学生, or a dependent undergraduate whose parents are unable to borrow under the Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) program, you may be eligible to borrow additional amounts under the unsubsidized Federal Direct Student Loan program.

The aggregate amount you can borrow for all undergraduate study for dependent students whose parents have not been denied a PLUS loan, is $31,000. 在该总额中,补贴贷款的数额不得超过$23,000. H下的变化.R. 5715条将于2008年7月1日生效. 联系招生和财政援助办公室了解更多信息.

Subsidized federal student loans are offered to students with a demonstrated financial need. For these loans, the federal 政府 makes interest payments while the student is in college. 例如, 那些借10美元的人,在大学期间,你将只欠本金10美元,当他们离开学校的时候.

无补贴的联邦学生贷款也由美国政府提供担保.S. 政府, 但是政府不为学生支付利息, 相反,兴趣是在大学期间产生的. 那些在大学期间借了1万美元的人,毕业后将欠下1万美元加上利息. The accrued interest will be capitalized into the loan amount and the borrower will begin making payments on the accumulated total.

例如, 那些借了10美元的人,000美元,只有2美元,在入读大学期间,你将欠12美元的利息,当他们毕业的时候. When the student enters into repayment, interest will then begin accruing on the $12,000.


The interest rate for new Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2023, 7月1日之前, 2024, 本科生, 固定利率是5吗.50%.


10月1日或之后发放的贷款, 2020年及10月1日之前, 2024, 发起费是1.057%.


  • 完成一个 免费申请学生资助(FAFSA) 并使用代码039574提交给新博网页.
  • 如果被选中,完成并提交验证文件和支持文件.
  • 完成在线入学面试 在这里 如果你以前从未借过直接贷款.
  • 电子签署主本票(MPN) 在这里 与美国.S. 教育部.
  • Once you have registered and completed the requirements listed above, accept your loan offer on your 学生自助服务帐户. Loans are generally available to accept online starting one month prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

Your federal student loans from previous years should remain in deferment as long as you are enrolled at least half time. 如果您的注册状态发生变化,您有责任通知您的贷款人. Many Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program lenders have sold their loan portfolios to the 教育部 for servicing.

You will have the option of making separate payments to each agency/loan servicing company or you can also opt to consolidate all loans into one loan. 你可以在以下网址找到有关联邦贷款服务机构的信息 www.studentaid.政府. 你需要FAFSA的联邦学生援助ID才能访问这个网站.


支付学生大学费用的一种选择是 直接加成贷款. PLUS Loans are designed for parents of undergraduate dependent students to borrow funds to help pay for their student’s college education. 你一定是美国人.S. 公民,或符合资格的非公民.

资格不是基于经济需要, 然而,信用准则将适用于确定您的资格. A parent with an adverse credit history who is denied a PLUS Loan will be notified of that denial. 在被拒绝的情况下,可以选择获得背书人. 有关此选项的更多信息可在 www.studentaid.政府. 如果您的信用被拒绝并且背书人选项未被使用, please contact the 金融援助 staff to request additional unsubsidized Direct Student Loan for the student.

家长可以借一笔金额等于就读费用减去任何其他援助. Consider your other loan payments when determining your borrowed amount and do not overextend your ability to repay your total indebtedness. 如果学生每年都要申请PLUS贷款, 在确定您的总负债时,请包括这些未来的贷款金额.

A credit review is required by the 教育部 as part of the PLUS application process. 信用审查的有效期为180天, 在此期间,必须激活主本票(MPN).

New College does not certify loans until mid-August before the start of the academic year. 如果我们在信用审查到期后证明您的贷款, 教育部被要求做另一件事. 可能还需要一个新的MPN.

你的联邦学生资助证明(FSAID). 关于创建、使用或解锁FSAID的信息 可以在这里找到.


  • 永久地址
  • 通讯地址(如与永久地址不同)
  • 电话号码
  • 电子邮件地址
  • 外国人登记号码(如果您是合格的非公民)
  • 社会安全号码


  • 雇主的名字
  • 雇主的地址



  • 学生的名字,中间的首字母和姓氏
  • 学生社会保险号
  • 学生出生日期
  • 学生解决
  • 学生电话号码


两个人的参考信息.S. 认识你至少3年的人的地址. Do not list the 直接加成贷款 borrower or the dependent undergraduate student as a reference.

  • 引用的名字
  • 参考地址
  • 参考电话号码

The student on whose behalf you will complete the PLUS loan application must have submitted a FAFSA 在本学年. 如果被选中,验证文件和支持文件必须最终确定. The student must also accept or decline their offered federal student loans before a PLUS loan can be certified and processed.

点击 在这里 申请PLUS贷款.

一旦提出申请,请与财政援助工作人员联系. All new and continuing borrowers will be required to complete a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN);  this is required, 即使你过去曾从联邦PLUS贷款中借款.

于7月1日或之后首次发放的直接PLUS贷款, 2023, 七月一日之前, 2024, 利率是8.05%.

所有直接PLUS贷款都有贷款费用. The loan fee is a percentage of the loan amount and is proportionately deducted from each loan disbursement. 百分比视乎首次发放贷款的时间而定:

-首次发放日期在10月8日或之后的直接加付贷款. 2020年10月1日及之前. 1、2024年,贷款费用是4.228%.

贷款资金将以电子方式发送到新博网页. The loan will be disbursed in two installments: half in the Fall semester and half in the Spring semester.

还款在最后一次贷款发放后60天内开始. 这些贷款没有宽限期. 但是,在某些情况下,你可以要求延期. 欲了解更多有关还款的信息,请访问 联邦学生贷款偿还计划.


Alternative loans are loans from a lending institution; they are not a part of the federal 政府 guaranteed loan programs. Alternative loans are typically more expensive than federal 政府 loans and should only be used when all other options have been exhausted.

It is important for you to check with the 金融援助 staff for all federal loan programs and possibilities before you borrow from an alternative loan program. The terms and conditions for federal student loans under the Title IV programs may be more favorable than those of private education loans. 大多数替代贷款需要良好的信用记录和/或信誉良好的共同签署人. 另一种贷款不是基于需要, but it cannot exceed the difference between the cost of attendance and all other financial aid for the academic year. 如果你需要替代贷款, 选择最符合你需要的贷款,记住——只借你需要的!

  • 早期应用!
  • 研究替代贷款. 每个贷方为借款人提供不同的利益.
  • 第四章学校代码是039574.
  • 一旦你申请了替代贷款, 联系财政援助工作人员,以便他们可以证明申请.
  • 借明智! 你可以借一笔金额等于出席费用减去任何其他援助. Consider your other loan payments when determining your borrowed amount and do not overextend your ability to repay your total indebtedness.
  • 贷款款项将寄往新书院. 在大多数情况下, the loan will be disbursed in two installments: one in the Fall semester and one in the Spring semester.

私教贷款申请人自我证明表格: 私人贷款机构必须向借款人索取一份经签署的本文件的副本 私人教育贷款申请人自我证明表格. 贷款人可以将此表格提供给借款人. This form requires information on your institutional Cost of Attendance and current financial aid. 有关新书院的学费资料,请浏览以下连结: NCF出勤费用. 有关您当前的经济援助奖励的信息可以通过登录您的 myNCF应用网关 然后选择Self Service Student贴图.

信息披露形式: 私人贷款机构必须向借款人提供必要的信息披露. These disclosures are required at three different times during the private loan origination process:

申请或征集披露:要求的披露 § 226.47(a) 应在任何申请或征集时提供.

批准披露:债权人应提供 § 226.47(b) 在向消费者提供任何批准通知之前完成.

最终披露:要求的披露 § 226.47(c) 应在消费者接受贷款后按照规定提供 § 226.48(c)(1).

有关披露的更多资料,请浏览: 12 CFR 226.47(a) 在联邦储备系统条例中.

现在市场上出现了种类繁多且不断增长的另类贷款产品. 新博网页 processes loans for more than 10 different alternative loan lenders annually. 有关如何选择私人替代贷款机构的信息,请访问 www.资助.org/loans/privatestudentloans.phtml.

金融知识 & 债务管理

债务管理是上大学的一个重要现实. 无论是学生贷款, 信用卡, 或者其他类型的债务, 重要的是要知道你将如何解释和偿还你的债务.